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Worksheet Crafter User Manual

Navigation: Worksheet Go!

What is Worksheet Go?

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Tablet Worksheets for Worksheet Go! are available in the Premium Edition and Unlimited Edition 2017.1 or newer. Learn more.


WsGo_Logo_FullWorksheet Go! is the interactive counter part of Worksheet Crafter for solving worksheets and runs on iPad tablets. Bring your own worksheets onto an iPad and allow your students to interactively solve your worksheets on the tablet. Your students will love it. Plus, you can adjust Worksheet Go! to to specific abilities and disabilities of your students.

Please note that Worksheet Go! is currently available in German language only. However, since the worksheet is delivered by you, the content can be in any language you like.


Where do I get Worksheet Go?


Worksheet Go! ist available in the App Store on your iPad. Simply search for "Worksheet Go!", install the app and start right away.


Read more about how to install Worksheet Go! on your iPad.




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